"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Eh Ok

I should continue to write my essay for my advanced comp class, but I decided to take a break and write on my much neglected blog. Oh how I've missed my blog. So pretty much there is going to be a bunch of random stuff in this post. If you're feeling queasy at the prospect I suggest you exit now.

My pain has been bad lately. It's been really hard. Somedays I feel utterly useless. Like life consists of little else, but me just existing. Then I realize at least I'm alive, I have healthy and awesome children, I have a wonderful and loving husband who takes care of me, and God loves me. It's enough to end my pity party pretty quickly. Because you know what? Crap happens. We live in a sinful world and sometimes it really sucks, but we can control how we react. We can control how we treat others. We can decide to believe in the Lord and let Him lead or we can wrest control from Him and see how well that works out for us (I'm going to spoil the ending for you, it doesn't work out).

God is so good. There have been two big prayer requests that He has "granted" if you will. I love to see Him work. Makes me thankful I belong to Him.

FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE! Sorry had to get that out. My Pats won last week. Can I get woo woo? No? Alright then. They play the Cardinals on Sunday and I may or may not get to watch it. Probably not though. Stupid local stations. UW lost though, grrr.... Quit rolling your eyes you know who!

I love fall. Soon we will have snow! YES! I have this friend who calls it a four letter word. Well yes indeed it is a four letter word...OF AWESOMENESS! Sorry Melissa, I had to do it. Ok well I'm going to get back to my boring essay that I'm probably doing all wrong. Thanks for reading the ramblings.