My day sucked. It's Monday. I stayed up too late. Had to get up early, kids have school. My house is messy. I'm leaving for a trip for the first time in a long time in like 3 days. My laundry isn't done. My packing list is not made. And the kicker: I HAD TO GO TO WAL*MART.
Wal*Mart is a necessary evil. I can't afford groceries at Safeway for 5 people. I debated not going. I debated picking my kids up from school and just going home, but I sucked it up and went out there. I went through each aisle, grabbed what I needed, and tried to keep it together. Grizzie had some melt downs due to sugar. He still has issues with all that. I get up to the checkout, my cart full and organize it all on the belt the way I like it. She gives me the total and I grab my wallet. But no debit card. Since I didn't grab my purse no check book either. I'm appalled. I don't think that's ever happened to me before. I ask the checker if they can suspend the order while I run home to get my card. She's wonderful and says yes (if she would of said no, my family would of starved for the next week I think or I would have done jail time for disorderly conduct).
I grab my kids and hurry my butt out of there. I drive down Harrison Ave (speed limit is 35) trying to do 40 and I get stuck behind some person (idiot) going 25!! I get home without committing a road rage offense and am able to get my groceries.
I had to stop by Derek's work to drop him off his pills on the way home. Being the wonderful man he is, he told me to take a nap and not worry about the house. He'd help with whatever needed to be done when he got home. Nobody has had lunch by this point so I go through the McDonald's drive thru and order me and the kids lunch. Get home, get their lunch, unload groceries, put them away, eat my lunch, and sat down. I'll just say, I pulled my Kindle out and read. I just veged and read. Then it was the kids' nap time (good thing too). I read a little more and took a nap.
I woke up when Derek got home around 4:30. I walked out to the kitchen to find this:
My wonderful husband bought me my favorite flowers.
He's so great. I think I'll keep him.
Not the ending I expected to your horrible day! What a blessing it is for you to recieve something to forcefully make you smile, especially on a day when you may not have wanted to! Thanks for the smile this story put on my face, too!