"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Some Contemplation

I'm contemplating posting one chapter of one of the books I'm writing a week. I'm thinking of this for a couple of reasons.

  1. It "should" keep me accountable to keep writing until I have the story done.
  2. I could get feedback to see if all 3 of you like my story idea and/or writing style.
I have like 4 story ideas I've been working on forever. I'm sure my sister is rolling her eyes. We've talked many times about my story ideas and whether I should follow through with them. I'd appreciate comments letting me know what you think. 

I got my documents from my other laptop yesterday so I have my stories on here now, which oddly comforts me. After using my MacBook for a couple of months it was difficult to use my PC. Stupid laptop. 

Anyway, please comment and let me know! 

Have a great weekend! God bless!


  1. I would love to see your book chapter! I write stories as well, and have almost 300 pages in one book done! But I haven't written anything in forever! I should write some...
    I just told mom that everyone at church should get blogs! I keep finding things out about you that I didn't know! :)

  2. I would love to read your stories. What type of book are you writing? I would love to write a book someday. I`m thinking of trying out Jerry B Jenkins Writer`s Guild.

  3. Well Natasha you have more written than I do! That's so awesome! I agree, I love getting to know people in a way where there isn't any pretense. Gabrielle, I mostly write Christian fiction/romance and I have one that at this point is a mystery/suspense. I've never heard of Jerry B Jenkins Writer's Guild. What exactly is that?

  4. Well from what I`ve read about the Writer`s Guild it`s a program that helps new Christian writers. There are different levels like «apprentice« or «master« writer. I think you get some type of a mentor and a lot of famous Christian writers have graduated from the program...they also select books to help promote. It seems like a neat program.
