"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thankful Thursdays!

I'm Thankful...

  1. That it's been cooler the last couple of days
  2. That my husband goes to work everyday even though I suspect he doesn't want to
  3. That I get to stay home with my kids
  4. For my pillow
  5. For all the people that read and comment on my blog
  6. For God's love and understanding
  7. For my moody playlist
  8. That husband came home safe from boating on Tuesday
  9. That my Mom is going to come visit around Thanksgiving
  10. For the new Lion software I downloaded yesterday, it's very cool


  1. Love it! I'm gonna post some things I'm thankful for...
    -My youth group friends
    -Dairy Queen
    -Monk...the best detective show EVER! :)
    -Air conditioning
    -My new paintbrushes
    -Awesome and encouraging blog readers :)
    -My siblings and parents

  2. Thank you for your list! I love seeing what people are thankful for. I'm with you on the rain and Dairy Queen :) I've never seen Monk though.
