"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Thought I'm Having And Wondering About

I don't know if I've posted about this before and I'm too lazy to go back through my archives.

I'm a pretty capable person, I can fix a lot of stuff mainly because I like puzzles and I'll sit there until I figure it out. Being raised by a single mother you kinda had to be capable. There weren't any men around to fix stuff for us so we found a way.

If I see a problem around and I can fix it I do. My thought is that Derek works hard all day and the last thing I want him to have to do is come home and try and fix something that might be frustrating. My other thought is that I hope this doesn't make him feel bad. Like maybe he wants to fix stuff because that's his way of taking care of me and the kids. I'd never want to make him feel bad, I just want to help and be an uplifting, encouraging wife.

Those are a couple of thoughts I'm having and wondering about right now.

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