"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursdays!

I'm Thankful...

  1. For my husband's understanding and patience
  2. That it hasn't been unbearably hot this August
  3. For iCarly, I love that show
  4. That we leave for vacation on Sunday
  5. For Kat at Illusions, I'm getting beautified tomorrow!
  6. For Gabrielle's photo that inspired me to write a little
  7. For my Mom, she's an awesome awesome lady. She's gonna get a post all to herself soon
  8. For my iPhone not breaking when I dropped it today
  9. That stupid Wal*Mart wasn't very busy when I went today
  10. For Psalm 139


  1. I'm just so thankful for you. Can't imagine life without you. I love you

  2. Thanks Erica! Your writing is beautiful. I love your submission and my mom did too.

    Neat list! It's really cool that you take a day to celebrate all of the things that you are thankful for. Keep up the great work!

  3. Psalm 139!! It is a life verse at the crisis pregnancy center. Did you see the Bible baby on my site? I don't know how they actually read the verses through the drawing, but it speaks to me. Love that picture.

    Psa 139:16 but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do.

    Nice to know that God really does have a plan for us.
