"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Need Help

Remember when I posted about that contest I was trying to win? Well I made the top 20. Pretty exciting, but now round 2 begins. This is what round 2 entails: It is a 2 week sales challenge. The girl who has the most sales at the end of the 2 weeks wins a photo shoot in LA and a $500 credit to their site. They gave me a code that is unique to me. When you use it you get a discount on merchandise AND it helps me in the contest. I'm going to post the info here. So ladies if you want some awesome shoes or clothes here is your chance to get them with a discount.

Go to Modocat, load up your shopping bag, and enter ERICA4CATGIRL in the code section for your discount. Thanks everyone, you're awesome!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Have No Idea

Usually when I "blog" I have the entire thing written out in my head. I know exactly which words are going to be typed and how the entire thing will sound. Right now? I have no freaking clue. I'm emotional, in pain, and feeling very musish.

It's been a rough day. I was in a lot of pain. I got a call from another doctor that my blood work came back normal. This is a good thing, but at the same time doesn't explain the severe pain I'm dealing with daily. I can't get any help. No doctors will help. I get so angry. Isn't that their job? To take care of patients, comfort them, and find answers. Apparently not. I feel like I'm at a dead end. Nowhere to go and no answers. I know this sounds completely dramatic, but that's me. Maybe God doesn't want me to go to doctors. I'm at a loss.

One thing I do know is that He has all of the answers. He is my Healer. He is my Father. He is my Comforter. I can lean, cry, and rage and all the while He holds his big arms out and holds me in the greatest  hug ever in existence. I love that complete surrounding He does.

I often think of Paul and the thorn in His side. I don't want this pain to control my life and so far it has. I can beat this. I can live a full life despite the pain. If I never get any answers I need to be content with what God has blessed me with. I'm gonna try and push through the pain and walk or maybe even run (GASP!).

Oh how I miss running. It was the greatest escape I've ever known. Just my music, running shoes, and God. The greatest thing ever.

Thanks for listening to all my dramatic ramblings. It felt good to write again. I'll post in the next couple of days about my amazing thing coming up. I can't wait!

Good night.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Contests and Facebook

Hello Everyone! I have a favor to ask those of you who have Facebook pages. I entered a contest to become the face of Modocat.com. I made it into the final 100 and now I need your help to make into the top 20. The 20 girls with the most votes on their photos move onto the next round. I'm going to post the link here and I would appreciate your vote and sharing the link with others. You have to like the Modocat Facebook page and then like my photo. If you'd like to request me as a friend that'd be great :) Thank you for your support!

Modocat Modeling Contest  That is the link. Please remember to like their page, then my photo or your vote won't count. I have the best readers ever, thank you for your votes!!