"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Saturday, September 17, 2011

You Say Awkward I Say Funny

So last night I went to Perkins for some dessert and girl time. I met Natasha and Melissa, two very lovely women whom I adore. You regulars out there may or may not have realized yet how weird of a sense of humor I have. If not then I am about to out myself! I saw the funniest shirt on the Internet. I shared it with Natasha and Melissa and they just stared at me. Obviously not thinking it was as funny, which is OK. I need friends that aren't as weird as I am. Natasha just said awkward (sing song voice). Here is the picture of the shirt that I think is hilarious, but you might just think it's awkward :)


  1. :) Erica, you make me laugh! Are you going to buy it???
    Thanks for the smile!

  2. You should come to the UK. We love toilet humour. Haha xx

  3. That is the best shirt ever! Laughed so hard. Not many people appreciate our humor...oh well.
