"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Journal Entry #2

No Date

As the sun dawns bright and warm so does the effect of God's love in our hearts. As He descends upon the dark corners of our minds and hearts we feel fear. Fear that He will see the darkness and the depravity that defines me. But He goes to the place anyway, the place where our sickness called sin resides and tries to hide. Influencing our decisions and feelings. It is in this place we so desperately need God's light; making the shadows fade until we are exposed and naked before Him. It is then that we are able to have complete restoration. Our soul is able to be completely filled with all that God wants to give us. As a broken cistern can hold no water so a shadowed, dark filled mind can retain no thoughts of God. If we remain there willingly, standing back and relishing in the sin we invited in we will never know Him, never be able to lay claim to the Salvation He selflessly offers. We have no one to blame but ourselves for the misery created from being separated from our Saviour. It erupts and creates havoc in our lives. The question is, why would we want to remain in darkness? We have a perfect Saviour, the Father of Lights standing before us offering a perfect gift. Just reach out and take hold of His perfection. Take hold of that all encompassing perfect love.

Let Him hold you. Let Him mold you. Let Him save you. Let Him love you.

1 comment:

  1. Erica! I love these posts! I needed to hear both of them, sometimes we need a reminder and I did. You have such a heart for God, I hope He gives you more to write. I love you bunches!
