"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

~Philippians 1:6

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Name And Some News

The pre-order for iPhone 4s's has been the largest pre-order in history or something so the AT&T store here in Butte is only getting one of them...in black. Since I was first on the list I could have taken it, but I really want a white one so I'm waiting. They should be in sometime next week.

Along that same line though, I have picked a name! His name shall be...Rutherford! Gabrielle submitted it and I love it. It was a hard decision between the name Aragon which Natasha submitted and Rutherford. I decided upon Rutherford, it's a little more nerdy and therefore more me :) Thank you for the names!

I will let you all know when Rutherford comes home. I already got a case for him. I'll include a picture, it's adorable! Have a great day everyone!


  1. Love the name! :)
    That cover is awesome! A few years ago, I found a cover for my old MP3 player. It was a gray hoodie sweatshirt with a little silver zipper and a pocket for the earbuds in the hood. Then, I lost the MP3 player and the hoodie cover. Sad day!

  2. That cover is so cute! :)
    Great name!
